anniversary of economic education and science
at Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
the main economic event of 2024 is the week of economics and management, filled with conferences, competitions, games and quizzes!
Let's celebrate
the anniversary!

from 23 to
28 September
The year 1954
Creation of an independent department "Economics, Organization and Planning of the Oil Industry" on the basis of the Department of Political Economy of the Ufa Petroleum Institute
The year 1973
Reorganization of the department with the formation on its basis of two graduating departments: the department of “Economics, organization and planning of the oil industry” and the department of “Economics, organization and planning of the oil refining and petrochemical industry”
The year 1981
Formation of the subject committee “Construction Economics” on the basis of the department of “Economics, organization and planning of the oil refining and petrochemical industry”
The year 1997
Creation of the department “Organization and Economics in Construction” on the basis of the subject commission by order of the rector of USPTU A.M. Shammazov for organizing the training and graduation of economists-managers in the specialty “Economics and Management in a Construction Enterprise”
The year 2007
Merger of departments: “Economics, organization and planning of the oil industry”, “Economics, organization and planning of the oil refining and petrochemical industry”, “Organization and economics in construction” into one department “Economics and management in the oil and gas industry”
The year 2020
The department of “Economics, organization and planning of the oil industry” became part of the new scientific and educational unit of USPTU - the Ufa school of excellence - USE - the first greenfield of USPTU
Dilyara Gamilova
Dear colleagues, students and all those involved in the world of economics!

I would like to sincerely congratulate you
on the 70th anniversary of economics
at USPTU. During this time, economics has come a long and difficult way
at our university, overcoming difficulties and obstacles, but continuing to develop and improve.

Let economic science continue its development, and we will all work together to make our world a better and more prosperous place!
Dilyara Gamilova
Dear colleagues, students and all those involved in the world of economics!

I would like to sincerely congratulate you
on the 70th anniversary of economics
at USPTU. During this time, economics has come a long and difficult way
at our university, overcoming difficulties and obstacles, but continuing to develop and improve.

Let economic science continue its development, and we will all work together to make our world a better and more prosperous place!
Pages of history
Congratulations from the graduates
Indira Ildarovna Sahabutdinova
Bachelor's Degree 2022 - Production Management in the Oil and Gas industry
Master's Degree 2024 - Administration and Management of digital projects in the oil and gas industry
I sincerely congratulate USPTU on the 70th anniversary of economic science! The Department of ENGP has glorified itself by educating a number of great thinkers and leaders in the field of economics and management! It is immensely gratifying that the department, which recently acquired the status of an independent faculty, continues to educate in-demand specialists. I would like to express my gratitude to the entire teaching staff of the economic science of USPTU, because your contribution to the development of science and education is invaluable. Best wishes on this momentous day!Шесть лет обучения принесли мне бесценный опыт и незабываемые впечатления. Ведь я имела честь возглавить профсоюз студентов УВШЭУ и стать Амбассадором Высшей школы. Совместно с замечательной командой мы продемонстрировали наивысший уровень активности и профессионализма, подтвердив превосходство нашей школы. Университет стал для меня не только местом получения знаний, но и настоящим источником вдохновения и возможностей. Благодаря УГНТУ я обрела множество ценных контактов с выдающимися личностями различных сфер деятельности, и это лишь малая часть того, что он мне даровал. Пусть каждый из нас запомнит свои студенческие годы как время, наполненное яркими событиями и удачами, которые помогут нам преодолевать любые вызовы будущего!

What will happen?

15:00 – 15:30
The official opening
15:30 – 18:00
The quiz "Boomers vs zoomers"
The exciting quiz "Boomers vs Zoomers" is an epic generational battle in the field of knowledge about the economy. Boomers, with experience and wisdom, will confront the Zoomers, who embody new approaches and ideas in the world of economics. The quiz questions will cover a wide range of topics, including economic history, current trends, financial instruments, interesting facts about HSE and much more. This is not just a test of knowledge, but also an opportunity for the exchange of opinions, ideas and experiences between generations. Join us on the quiz "Boomers vs Zoomers: The Economic Battle of Generations" to test your knowledge, learn something new and, of course, have fun!

Here are the requirements:Assemble a team. You are either boomers, as well as Xers - before the age of 90, or zoomers, as well as millennials - after the age of 90.

Take part
Student marathon "The World of Economics"

It will allow you to upgrade your professional skills, chat with cool speakers from the industry and get useful feedback. As well as the opportunity to receive cool prizes, expert assessment and points, which can be exchanged for a SUPER PRIZE at the end.

To do this:

1. Sign up for an event;

2. Earn points for participation;

3. Get the maximum score and exchange it for a SUPER PRIZE and other prizes from industrial partners.

11:00 – 13:00
Welcome to the workshop "PROJECTS TO USE", which will immerse you in the environment of our School! In this exciting event, you will present the most advanced and inspiring projects. Each project, from scientific solutions to youth policy, will be presented in the form of an exciting journey, immersing you in its essence and influencing the course of events. Get ready for an exciting adventure and rewrite the rules of the game in different areas!

Take part
13:00 – 16:00
"Self-government Day"
The Championship of Managerial duels "A bet on success"
During the "Bet on Success" management duels, participants will face real scenarios from business practice, where they will have to make decisions, develop strategies and implement their ideas in conditions of limited time and resources. Each match is a real challenge that requires not only knowledge and experience, but also the ability to make informed and strategic decisions. Managerial duels are not just a competition, it is an opportunity for participants to learn new things, share experiences and skills with colleagues. Join us and prove your managerial skills in the battle for leadership and success!

Take part
Student marathon "The World of Economics"

It will allow you to upgrade your professional skills, chat with cool speakers from the industry and get useful feedback. As well as the opportunity to receive cool prizes, expert assessment and points, which can be exchanged for a SUPER PRIZE at the end.

To do this:

1. Sign up for an event;

2. Earn points for participation;

3. Get the maximum score and exchange it for a SUPER PRIZE and other prizes from industrial partners.

09:30 – 16:00
"OilGuru Case Championship: The Path to Leadership in the Oil and Gas Business"
Join us at the exciting round table "Trends and Challenges of the profession", where leading experts and practitioners will share their knowledge and experience about the latest trends and key challenges in the oil and gas industry. During the discussion, we will consider topical issues related to the development of the market in the modern world and identify strategies and solutions for successful adaptation to the dynamically changing conditions of the industry. Join our discussion to gain valuable insights and inspiration for developing your career in accordance with the trends and challenges of the modern professional environment.

Take part
16:00 – 18:00
"A day with us, a day with benefits - USEfull day"
Demo day for schoolchildren

Take part
Student marathon "The World of Economics"
16:00 – 18:00
"A day with us, a day with benefits - USEfull day"
Demo day for schoolchildren

Take part
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth Economics"
The purpose of the conference is to attract young people to the development of economics through cooperation with scientists from leading scientific economic schools in Russia and abroad and industry partners.

till August 20, 2024 - fill in the application form on the website of the Ufa Higher School of Economics and Management link for participation in the Conference and send the research article to the E-mail:

Publications are accepted for review by the commission, which decides on the possibility of publishing an article in a collection of the appropriate level.

Information about the decision made by the commission will be sent to the email address specified during registration no later than September 20, 2024.

10:00 – 13:00
Plenary session "Decade of Science and technology in the economy of the oil and gas business".
Welcome speech from the organizers and representatives of the program committee. The topics of the reports are achievements, trends, challenges, tasks facing young economists, scientists and practitioners in a turbulent external environment. The speakers are leading scientists from Russia, CIS and BRICS countries, top managers of oil and gas companies.

Take part
14:00 – 16:00
Section 1 "Strategic decisions and operational efficiency"
Scientific topics of the reports: factors, conditions, models of sustainable development of oil and gas companies, green economy, circular economy, renewable energy economy, new business models, managerial and economic aspects of import substitution, lean manufacturing economics; supply chain management, innovation, investment, personnel management and organizational development, risk management, fiscal policy and efficiency business, cost optimization, project management, etc.

Take part
Section 2 "Economic and managerial aspects of digital transformation of industries, companies, regions"
Scientific topics of the reports: technologies, models, tools for digitalization of production processes and industrial enterprises; digital infrastructure and digital business models; digital products and services; methods and models of digital transformation of industries, companies, regions; assessment of digital maturity of economic systems, overcoming digital inequality, etc.

Take part
Section 3 "Economics of the future through the eyes of young scientists"
Scientific topics of the reports: sectoral and regional development of the modern economy; development of entrepreneurial structures; management tools of economic systems; human resource management; new forms of labor relations; innovation management; marketing of innovations and innovations in marketing; management of hospitality territories, recreation and tourism; client-centricity in business; ecosystem format of development: resources, potential; modern forms of partnership in the development of business and territories; new financial methods and models; economic security, etc.

Take part
Anti-conference for graduate students "From hypotheses to insights"
Scientific topics of the reports in accordance with the passport of the scientific specialty 5.2.3 "Sectoral and regional economics".

Take part
Master class from the industrial partners of USPTU "Response to global challenges in the energy sector".
The topic of the reports: practical aspects of solving urgent economic problems and management tasks in the fuel and energy complex, as well as measures to support scientific initiatives and innovative solutions from young specialists of companies. The speakers are representatives of USPTU industrial partner companies.

Take part
Round table "Economic education: best practices and common problems"
Round table "Economic education: best practices and common problems". The topics of the reports: the transformation of education to new formats of interaction with the student, the effectiveness of modern tools for teaching economic disciplines; the results of work with the competence model of education; methods of student involvement in scientific projects and events; artificial intelligence in education; prospects for working with the alpha generation, etc.

The speakers are representatives of universities in Russia, CIS countries and BRICS. Expected results: signing of interuniversity agreements on network cooperation, agreements on the preparation of joint additional educational programs, agreements on academic mobility.

Take part
09:00 – 12:30
Foresight session "Doing science together!"
The foresight session is aimed at generating new scientific topics, searching for like-minded people, and forming new research teams.

Take part
12:30 – 13:00
Closing of the conference, awarding of the winners
18:00 – 20:00
Ufa Higher School of Economics and Management accepts congratulations, a festive concert